Bright Horizons Digital Transformation

Case Study of an Educational Institution Digital Transformation

Bright Horizons


Increase in Organic Traffic


Increase in New Leads


Site Conversion Increased

Bright Horizons is an institution that offers child care and high-quality education to children from infancy. While it has been in the education sector for 30 years, Bright Horizons struggled with its online presence.

Recognizing the vital role of digital marketing in expanding its reach, Bright Horizons approached AnjasDev in 2020 for a digital transformation.


Low Organic Traffic

Bright Horizons struggled with low organic traffic. Its struggle with online visibility hindered potential clients from discovering its comprehensive range of services.

Lack of New Leads

Bright Horizons did not have a robust lead generation strategy. This meant that it was not tapping into its full growth potential. The company needed a solution to attract and convert potential clients who were actively seeking child care, elderly care, and educational assistance.

Poor Site Conversion

The existing website failed to convert visitors into leads effectively. This signaled a need for strategic improvements to enhance the user experience, engagement, and, ultimately, conversion rates.

AnjasDev Strategic Approach

Technical SEO Audit

AnjasDev initiated the process with a comprehensive technical SEO audit, identifying and addressing on-site issues to enhance the website's search engine performance.

Content Strategy

A tailored content strategy was devised, focusing on creating informative and keyword-rich content to improve organic search rankings and attract a more targeted audience.

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Link Building

A meticulous link-building strategy was implemented to establish the website's authority and credibility, thereby improving its visibility in search engine results.

Optimized Website for Local Searches

AnjasDev executed local SEO to ensure that Bright Horizons featured prominently in local search results. This way, it was reaching potential clients in specific geographic areas.

Social Media Marketing

A targeted social media marketing campaign was designed to increase brand awareness, foster community engagement, and drive traffic to the website.

Used Landing Pages

Specialized landing pages were created to optimize the conversion process, offering a seamless and compelling user experience to encourage lead generation.

Enticing Offer

Bright Horizons introduced an irresistible offer of one month of free childcare for new members. This offer created a strong incentive for website visitors to become active clients.

Call to Action (CTA) Elements Improvement

The team optimized and strategically placed CTAs across the website to guide visitors toward desired actions, ultimately improving overall conversion rates.

Results Achieved

150% Increase in Organic Traffic

The combined efforts of the technical SEO audit, content strategy, and link-building initiatives led to a remarkable 150% increase in organic traffic.

20x Increase in New Leads

The synergistic impact of local SEO optimization, social media marketing, and targeted landing pages resulted in an outstanding 20-fold increase in new leads.

300% Increase in Site Conversion

The implementation of the one-month free childcare offer, brand reinforcement, and CTA improvements contributed to a substantial 300% increase in site conversion rates.

Client Testimonial

“AnjasDev played a pivotal role in transforming our digital presence. James’ strategic approach and expertise not only met our challenges but exceeded our expectations. The significant increases in traffic, leads, and conversions have made a tangible impact on our business. We highly recommend AnjasDev for their comprehensive and effective digital marketing solutions.”

– Eleanor Johnson, Bright Horizons

This case study highlights how a diverse approach to addressing specific difficulties can result in significant gains in organic traffic, lead generation, and site conversion. The success of this collaboration demonstrates the potential for digital marketing to be a driving force in the growth and profitability of childcare and education organizations.

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